
Pricing: Starts at $600.00 within a 50 mile radius of our office for avg. one family residential. All others, please call to discuss a price depending upon size, distance, and/or if commercial building. Prices will vary accordingly.

 Long Island, The Metropolitan Area and to Upstate New York

In New York State: Flood Elevation Certificates

"What is my elevation?" Please call us!

From the FEMA Elevation Certificate Website, the definition is as follows:

 "The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Elevation Certificate (EC) is an administrative tool used by the NFIP.  It is used to provide elevation information necessary to ensure compliance with community floodplain management ordinances; to determine the proper insurance premium rate; and or support a request for a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) to remove a building from the Special Flood Hazard Area."

In plain language, the Elevation Certificate is an official FEMA document we fill out and provide you with. It reflects the results of our elevation survey of your property and indicates the elevation of your property, and the lowest level of the building, all relative to mean sea level and contains photos of the property. The results are compared with a FIRM, a Flood Insurance Rate Map, also furnished by FEMA. The map will indicate the expected flood level of the location of the building and the property. We include the map along with the certificate as a reference. This value of the area denoted on the map is known as the Base Flood Elevation. This value is important for the insurance company's ability for computing your flood insurance premium. It is also entered into the Elevation Certificate. Upon completion, we send you and your insurance agency the results, and in most cases, we include a color photo addendum. Many of our clients have saved money on their insurance premiums as a result.